3D Slicer extension for creating, editing, and storing translations for Slicer core and extensions. Help translate the Slicer project on Weblate.
Check out the link below for Documentation.
Languages download
Language preferences
Multilingual Support
Collaborative translations
Free extension
3D Slicer's LanguagePacks extension to facilitate adding or updating any translations that appears on the application user interface.
Interactive "Text Finder" tool that can read text from any widget of the application and show all occurences of that text in the translation website for editing.
Check out the link below for Documentation.
Improved quality of translations
Open source tool designed as a contribution to the Slicer Internationalization project.
Helps translators to easily find the strings they have to translate in the Weblate platform.
Helps users easily find strings to translate
Makes easier find strings to translate
Open source
Integrated into the Weblate platform